RAR Expander 0.8.5 Beta 4 and extract password protected files without error. TO MAC USERS: If RAR password doesn't work, use this archive program: Create New Document (yes, your document no longer needs to be created in Web Designer!) Dramatically improved editing features (add & delete objects, move & resize, add & delete pages) Significant improvements since last year include: The preview window has been updated to include MS Edge preview (Windows 10) A new and improved media player (by default it uses the HTML5 capabilities of the web browser to play the audio and video where the browser supports it, otherwise Flash) Instead of the animation running once when the object first appears (like reveal animations), the object animates whenever the document is scrolled, and the speed of the animation is proportional to the scrolling speed. You'll find 30 'scrolling animations' in the Reveal tab of the web animation dialog, which link an animation to the position of the scroll bar. We also have a completely new type of animation. The must-have effect for any contemporary site, parallax is a kind of 3D effect created by the background moving at a slower rate to the foreground. These are animations that are triggered as your object comes into view, and we’ve added 40 new animation types that work on reveal, such as bounce, zoom and flip. On reveal animations were one of the hits of v11.

By popular demand, you will now have the option for an object to scroll to the top and then stick.